Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Avoid the Summer Slide! Summer Reading Resource

Now that summer is in full swing, school is probably a long ways away from most students' minds.  But did you know that summer vacation can set a student's education back?  For the average student, that lapse of learning during the summer set them back one whole month!  However, there is a way to avoid the summer slide!  Studies show that reading as few as six books over the summer break will maintain the education they accumulated from the previous school year. More than that will actually enable a student to get ahead.

Here is a website that will help students find out what reading level they are at and then help them select books for the summer.  It will tell them where the books can be checked out or purchased.  What a great way to help your students enjoy reading over the summer and stay in the learning loop!

Click on the link below to access the Find A Book, Iowa website:

Find A Book, Iowa

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